With All The Research... I ponder on these things...

Hello my lovlies,

I know I've been somewhat quiet on this blog for far too long and I sincerely apologise. I have been taking notes of several events and occurrences in my own personal life and navigating the storm that is, "life"!

Please read my last two previous blog posts.

I have also recently just been pondering on personal events over the past few years and how I see people doing unimaginable things out of greed even when they have a gut feeling that it's wrong.

In many cases, despite sending out several warnings, they never heed to it, but allow manipulative strangers into their lives after their "greed has been activated".

And some with all the research, are still not intelligent enough to research strangers they speak to or conduct business with. They are not intelligent enough to research the right people within an organisation to liaise with. I wonder, with all the research...They expose themselves to people they should be reporting to authorities. The law is there for a reason.

I also ponder on these things...Woman, you are beautiful as you are. Never allow yourself to be body-shamed, age-shamed or gender-shamed for any reason. Knowing this, try not to place yourself in a position where you are threatened by your fellow woman. Don't allow yourself to be coerced into a group that shows you what others are doing especially if that person is me, again it has nothing to do with me (Read my last two blog posts). If you decide to stay in a toxic group that keeps making you feel less than your worth, then that has become your own choice...If you choose to stay within a group that is chasing about other people's private lives based on a lurid obsession, then you have chosen to also allow yourself to be put in harms way. Focus on your life and your own strengths.

And...NO!, NO, NO!, beauty isn't in the eyes of the beholder! 

Woman, you're beautiful just as you are and you have every right to decide what's best for you. 

Woman!, you're perfect just as you are!

Always remember this, that whether you're a "Victoria's secret" sized model or you're of any shape, size or colour, you're just perfect and you're not the reason for anyone's misery....Love, always


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