Five Quotes From Pastor Adeboye That Would Change Your Life!

These five quotes from our very own Pastor Adeboye are a must read...

  1. "Behind the glory is always a story"
  2. "If those who have nothing to thank God for still find reason to thank Him, what about you?"
  3. "You are now the light of the world. You are therefore expected to destroy darkness and sorrow"
  4. "The grestest threats to effective evangelization of the world today are fear and laziness. If you cannot conquer these two enemies, you are gong nowhere"
  5. "Rather than giving up their careers for soul winning, I advised that they could keep their career pursuit and still be soul winners"


  1. Thanks for sharing... I totally connect with the last one! In fact thats what I call The GOD Career.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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